Mental Health Awareness Week 23rd September to 29th September

Check out the amazing resources on their website

Here are some great ideas for today shared on the site!

Manaaki Monday


Start the week off with an act of kindness. On the first day of MHAW, take some time out of your day to help someone in a small but meaningful way. Even one simple thing, like carrying groceries or holding a door open for a stranger, can create a chain reaction of kindness that uplifts the whole community.

Ideas for how you can help someone today:

Do you know someone who has a lot going on at the moment? Take some kai over for dinner to save them cooking, or offer to take their dog for a walk.

Do something to help make a colleague’s day a little easier at mahi/work. Assist them with a task they haven’t had time to complete, or make them a cup of tea to help them get through the day.

Stop to let a car into the traffic in front of you. Watch the chain reaction of courtesy unfold around you!

Offer to mind a friend’s taitamaiti/tamariki (child/children) for the afternoon, so they can take some time out for themselves.

Volunteer a few hours of your time today — there are lots of community groups who would love your help!

Give a genuine compliment to a friend, family member, or even a stranger.

Take the time to listen to someone who needs to talk, offering your full attention and support.

Looking for ideas for tamariki? Check out Sparklers’ Everyday Kindness and Can’t Do it Without You activities, to help them explore how kindness and helping others can boost their own wellbeing.